Cat's Cradle

Matt Abedi

Matt Abedi

In me there are two wolves. The first is one of many unhinged, harmless lunatics you politely guide toward the door. Maybe you thought this person was normal, to start, but in that person there are also two wolves. The other wolf in me is George Constanza, if the only people he met were those created by the first wolf. And, by and large, this is how I conduct my life.

I love hearing a story—but I really love meeting a person. There’s something strange about all of us. We all do something funny. I know I do. Dig a little bit. Get curious about the little freaks around you. And, if you’re so lucky, someone is curious about what a big weirdo you are. Do that on stage and you’ll unlock a door most of us are too busy to open up. And, with good cause. Can you imagine having to talk to every one of these freaks?

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